EATLACMA is a year-long project investigating the social role of food and art and the rituals of eating. The exhibition was a collaboration between the LA County Museum of Art and Fallen Fruit, the LA-based artist collective, and featured a year's worth of events, exhibits, talks and performances.

The Bitter Melon Trellis was designed and built by Materials & Applications (M&A) for the National Bitter Melon Council (NBMC) garden “Promiscuous Production: Breeding is Bittersweet” using bamboo harvested on the grounds of LACMA. By methodically applying heat and pressure, the bamboo poles were bent to form a series of curves to create the trellis main structure. Bamboo cross-bracing tied the curves together and anchored the structure as well as provided a hand-hold for melon vines during their growth.

Project Type:
Artist Installation

Project Responsibilities:
Fabrication and Installation

Didier Hess
