Driven by the nesessity to maximize day-lighting and migtate the direct solar rays of a west facing window, small modular blocks with a surface formation were developed and fabricated using a notched waffle structural system. A square profile was preferred for both its stabiilty and easy of stacking. By creating the surface formation off-axis of the square's shape, a more compelling field variation of aggregated blocks is achieved within the limited number of rotational options available.
Made of thin plywood ribs, the laser cut blocks are designed to stack on the interior sill of the window. When stacked, the seamless transitions of a block dissolve allowing a larger surface topography to be revealed and haptically activated. The depth and grid spacing of the waffle blocks maximizes diffused ligthing by reducing glare and creating a more pleasant and even quality of interior light.
Project Type:
Technical and Presentation Drawings
3D modeling and Rendering
Illustration and Graphic Design
Jason Anthony